What do you need to study for the Certified Beer Server exam?

study material Aug 28, 2019

Want to know exactly what to study for the Cicerone Certification Program's Certified Beer Server exam? Advanced Cicerone and author of the Beer Scholar Study Guides, Chris Cohen, has got you covered!

The Certified Beer Server (CBS) exam is a simple online exam that tests a basic level of beer knowledge, and as such you aren't required to dive too deeply. There are only a few resources you need to pass. Here are links to my recommended key resources for prepping for the CBS test:

1) The Beer Scholar Study Guide for the Certified Beer Server Exam -

This is my best selling study guide that has helped thousands of people pass the CBS exam, it contains everything you need to know to pass in a point by point outline that tracks the Cicerone program's syllabus for the test. This is one-stop-shopping for those who are getting started on their beer journey and just want to knock the CBS test out quickly and easily. P.S. I'm not associated with the Cicerone Certification Program, I do this work because I love great beer and want to spread the love. I make a living doing education, writing, and travel around beer. When you buy my guides it helps me keep the content coming, so thanks for you support in that effort!

2) Tasting Beer by Randy Mosher -

This is the best intro-to-beer book on the market and is essentially the textbook for the first two levels of the Cicerone program exams. That said, it goes well beyond the knowledge required just to pass the CBS test and on into Certified Cicerone level material. If you want to up your beer game or are considering continuing on to take the Certified Cicerone exam, then read Tasting Beer (you'll DEFINITELY want my Beer Scholar Study Guide for the *Certified Cicerone* Exam when you're ready to start prepping for that one!).

3) The BJCP Style Guidelines -

The Cicerone program uses the Beer Judge Certification Program's beer style guidelines for their exams, so it's important to know how the BJCP defines all the beers you'll be tested on. Don't bother printing out this massive document, just get a BJCP Style Guidelines app for your phone so you can study at the bar and on the go.

* BJCP app for iPhone:

* BJCP app for Android:

And that's it! It's super simple. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a long journey for you in beer education. Keep on learning and take on the Certified Cicerone level next! The beer industry is rad and full of cool people, get involved and move up by getting beer smart! Beer Scholar is here to help you get there.

Cheers and thanks for watching. If this video helped you out PLEASE HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON AND SUBSCRIBE if you want to keep the beer content flowing. Ask any questions or make video suggestions in the comments.

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Chris Cohen is an Advanced Cicerone, National BJCP Beer Judge, partner at Old Devil Moon bar in San Francisco, co-founder of the SF Homebrewers Guild, & the author of the Beer Scholar Study Guides for the Cicerone Exams.

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